MROO Webinars

MROO Webinar Series Update 

MROO webinars will be taking a summer break. There will not be webinars in June, July or August 2024. In September, MROO will resume our free monthly webinars, as usual, on the second Wednesday of each month. To register for the MROO Webinar Series you must be a MROO member. 

Have any ideas for a speaker or topic for our next MROO webinar? Please email us at

Register Today!  

Log in to the MROO member account and register for the next webinar. Can't find your member login? Email us at

September 2024 Webinar

Topic: Single Seniors for Tax Fairness: It’s Time for Equality in our Tax System

Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 10AM (ET)

About the Webinar

  • Overview of the organization 
  • Recommendations to the Finance Committee 
  • Scenarios that will clearly depict the inequalities in the taxation of single seniors relative to couples and the clawbacks of benefits that singles experience 
  • A review of the taxation of RRSP/RRIF assets on the death of a single senior.   
  • How MROO Webinar attendees can get involved in supporting the work of SSTF 


About Single Seniors for Tax Fairness (SSTF)

Single Seniors for Tax Fairness (SSTF) is a nationwide movement devoted to lobbying for revisions to the Income Tax Act to provide fairness and equity for single seniors, including lifetime single, widowed, divorced or separated seniors aged 65 plus. 

SSTF was formed approximately 4 years ago. Since then, the organization has grown to over 850 supporters.  The organization is run entirely by volunteers.  Since itinception, the organization has met with over 130 Federal MPs from all parties, had 8 petitions read in the House of Commons by Members from 4 parties, and submitted several recommendations to the Federal Finance Committee. 

Watch out Past Webinar (Member Area Only)

Watch our Past Webinars 


How it Works:

  • Log in to your MROO member account and register for the next webinar. Login here.
  • You will need to provide an email address when registering. You will then receive a follow-up email with the link to join the Webinar.ΩYou will also receive a reminder email a week in advance and one day before the webinar.
  • Not on the MROO email list? Email MROO Office Assistant. This is essential: make sure to type Member Login in the subject line and kindly provide your full name and another piece of information that we would have on file in our database for confirmation purposes such as your mailing address or your OMERS employer. Thank you!

Tips & Other Information:

  • The maximum capacity is 1,000 attendees, first-come, first-served. Register early for best results.
  • Before you get started if you are not familiar with the Zoom Webinar Service and how to participate, watch this informal video How Do I Join a ZOOM Meeting? 
  • It’s not required, but if you like, you can download the ZOOM Meeting application in advance of joining the Webinar.
  • Worth noting. This Zoom Webinar is not interactive. You will not be visible to other attendees or the presenter, nor will you be able to speak to the presenter.
  • There will be no Webinars in July and August.
  • If you missed a live Webinar for any reason, you would have the opportunity to view it later. Approximately ten business days after the live broadcast, completed Webinars will be uploaded to the Member Area on the MROO website.

** You must be a MROO Member to register to this event **